If you hang out enough with skiers, you'll probably hear them wax poetically about a "bluebird day" on the slopes. What does this mean?
Skiing can be one of the most exhilarating and enjoyable activities you can experience in winter. But what makes it even more special is when you have a “bluebird day” — a clear, sunny day with no clouds or wind where the conditions are perfect for skiing.
A bluebird day is truly unique, offering up an opportunity to ski on pristine slopes and take in some breathtaking views as well.

When people talk about a bluebird day skiing, they usually mean that there’s no cloud cover blocking out the sun and that there isn't any wind blowing snow around either. This means that visibility is great and everything looks crisp and clear from top to bottom - so much so that it almost looks like you could reach out your hand and touch the view!
The air temperature tends to be milder too which adds to overall comfort levels while skiing down the mountain sides.

The benefits of having such good weather conditions don’t end there though; perfect visibility also allows skiers to plan their routes better by being able to see further ahead than usual – this helps them avoid obstacles like rocks etc., as well as make sure they stay within their limits when trying new.
Why is it called bluebird?

The origin of the term is unknown, and could refer to something as simple as the color of the sky, to the inherent cultural meaning of bluebirds as happiness and hope.
The term is also used in hunting.
Another idea is it could come from the lyrics to the song "Somewhere over the rainbow" from the Wizard of Oz film, "Somewhere over the Rainbow, bluebirds fly..."
Is a bluebird day good for skiing?

Absolutely! A bluebird day is about as picture perfect as it gets in skiing.
Winter is usually associated with grey skies and a generally miserable look outdoors. So when the sun comes out, you get the combination of optimal ski conditions along with a great vista.